The Riccardo Rami Studio Headquarter is based in Prato (Florence - Italy), and it includes offices and show-room inside an old, completely renovated carpets factory, covering a total surface of 1.200 sqm. Here work 14 associates, among whom 4 in particular can count on international experiences with some ma jor worldwide textile & apparel Brands. In year 2005, Riccardo Rami Studio opened a branch show- room in Istanbul (Turkey) with a local partner Studio, to give continuative&competent support to client, very well introduced in the turkish business community, experimenting collaborations with some major national and international Companies of the textile and apparel market. Through a 15 years long cooperation with a local Studio, it also offers a strong connecting-point in Tokyo (Japan) (at least 20 years long experience in some major national textile Companies). In 2004 RRS opened its own office/showroom in Shanghai. All the interiors and furnitures where designed by Riccardo Rami Studio in collaboration with MDU architetti. This step is very important for the key role that Chinese market take in the worldwide fiels of “things makers”.
In 2006 RRS opens a branch in Chandigarh, for all the activities in India, Bangladesh, Srilanka.
Furthermore, the Studio can also guarantee a direct, continuative relationship with best fabrics/apparel/materials suppliers in China through its own Branch and Showroom in Shanghai. In 2006 RRS has opened a branch, for all activities in the territories of India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Italian Connection Through its long-time strong relationships with some of the top quality “service-laboratories” in Italy in different fields, the Studio has also the possibility to offer a complete service to its clients: from a design/sketch board to its production and delivery. Riccardo Rami Studio is design consultant studio, having its roots in textile and apparel design. Established in Prato by Italian designer Riccardo Rami, we have worked with various major textile and apparel brands from all around the world, ever since. Riccardo Rami Studio international presence, having partners and agents in countries such as Italy, France, Eu, Japan, China, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Peru.
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Riccardo Rami Studio has always been at the forefront of research and innovation in various fields, as evidenced by their extensive portfolio of projects and collaborations. The studio has established itself as a pioneer in circularity and sustainability, particularly in the textile industry.
The studio has also contributed to educational programs, conducting workshops and lectures to share their knowledge and expertise with aspiring designers and students. Through these initiatives, they have nurtured a new generation of design professionals with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation, creativity and social responsibility.
Overall, Riccardo Rami Studio has made significant contributions to the realms of design, textile innovation, sustainability, and social impact. Their projects and research endeavors demonstrate their commitment to pushing boundaries, embracing new technologies, and shaping a more sustainable and harmonious future through design.
Research project 1997
Biodynamic Project
When today we talk about circularity and sustainability we cannot help but think of Prato, its history as a Pioneer Area in this Art. And this is where the MAT & R Project was born, back in 1997...
With the intention of going beyond the usual Prato Recycled Wool Fabrics, introducing Cotton into the project and, as the logic turned out to be, the organic-natural product, both Animal and Vegetable.
Is a project that was born in 1997 in collaborations with GM Filati for the creations of the right materials and yarns, TUSKANIA for the Fabrics and IMAR ENGINEERING for the Garments. And marks a different and contemporary approach to the recycled and organic natural fabric that today animates textile clothing. Recycled jeans, colored natural cotton, natural linen, hemp and jute for vegetable fibers. Natural Wool and Alpaca in all color shades for Animal Fibers. For the recycled part support techniques were used with Nylon, Lycra or Acrylic with insulating power. For the Natural part some natural resins also colored with organic dyes.
The garments made by IMAR ENGINEERING with respect for the characteristics of the fabric materials they were made with trimming materials and accessories, such as yarns, buttons, etc .. natural and/or recycled and were not connected to any kind of fashion trend or movement and always still maintain freshness and contemporaneity.
The companies and people who participated in the project were aware of the fact that being more sustainable was not a decision that had to do only with the environment and the matter used, but that the most important thing are the people with their actions that influence the process of social and environmental change.
The first patent recognized for laser-cut garments composed of a natural and artificial mixed synthetic fabric.
The first experiments in cutting the garments were performed on laser machines commonly used for wood inlays.
In those years, clients such as Jones of London, Beams Tokyo and Takashimaya New York bought the first lmar Engineering laser-cut garments.
Imar Engineering lent its technological assistance to Donna Karan for the development of her first laser-cut garments.
In the following years, many brands developed laser-cut garments, while Imar Engineering, intent on developing new technologies applied to clothing, never made use of the patent prerogative.
Project, 2004
Collaborations with Rifinizione Cambi Luigi & C., Alessandro Barducci physicist, Fabrizio Chemeri cognitive anthropologist.
Insight Project
Sampling of a initial harmonic proportion of a chosen color combination, re-manifestable in other same fascinating combinations with different colors.
Useful in all areas where color combinations are significant and must maintain their impact and language even changing the mix of colors, areas such as: graphic, artistic, interior design, etc ...
The study comes from a long experience and tests undertaken on thousands of color combinations, how different colors affect people and how if combined with each other it is possible to recreate the same positive values.
"Beyond Needle Punching"
Felt with its personality, with its characteristics, with its multiple shades and possible alternative applications beyond its initial purposes. Interpreted with the different use of colors and materials and supported over time by new techniques and technologies. A large and contemporary project still in progress for an ancient and powerful material.
Research Project 2000
Camouflaging oneself in the city as once in the countryside, hiding from the enemy, from prey, from a friend, in everyday life, when we are alone ... camouflaging is an art and a way of life.
The Smart Kamo was created in 2000 by Studio Riccardo Rami with a system of masks in the shape of a stencil in a garage. To achieve the camouflage effect, and it was the first City Car with a camouflage suit. It was subsequently exhibited at MUDAC in 2002 as part of the "Cache Cache Camouflage" exhibition.
And later published in Maharishi's book.
DPM: Disruptive Pattern Material (An Encyclopedia of Camouflage)
From there began the Kamo Project, which also produced versions of the BMW C1, Mini and BMW. These were the first wishes for personalization of cars.
Kamo Project also embraces other products always made with the concept of Camouflage, such as Furniture made with printing techniques on wood since 2001, Needle-punched felt rugs, Melted glass objects, some of which were also exhibited at MUDAC in 2002.
NB: It should be remembered that the technique of printed films for cars came many years later with various customizations and camouflage films are still among the best-selling today.
Color Software, 2004
Collaborations with Rifinizione Cambi Luigi & C., Alessandro Barducci physicist,
Fabrizio Chemeri cognitive anthropologist.
Insight Project
Software designed to identify the colors of greatest interest according to the geographical area, this considering and crossing the data coming from the influence of Latitude and Culture.
The result is to identify the most popular colors in the various areas, so for example we will have a red that will be slightly warmer, or a less intense navy blue with a cobalt flame and so on, depending on the area.
Useful for understanding and identifying the appreciation of the kind of color, for example: which kind of Red to use for a product in a specific market area.
NB: the research was carried out in Europe from the northern latitude of England to the southern latitude of Sicily
Insight project 2001
Once upon a time there was a beautiful "Magic Shop" named "Mimik", full of Giant Plants and Cacti, Rare Flowers, Antique Bohemian Crystals and Unusual Antiques and Furniture mostly from the Czech Republic and Mexico. When you entered the Magic Shop it was like crossing a dimensional passage, inside everything was in harmony even if "rationally" it should have been the contrary. Salvo and Joseph, the two people who ran the Shop, seemed to come out of a Book of Fairy Tales, the Owner instead was a person who was always traveling to distant countries and showed up every now and then, especially when there were deliveries from Mexico, a country he often visited. Salvo and Joseph instead took care of the purchases, the Flowers, the selection of the Crystals and the Antiques from the Czech Republic and the Harmony and the Magic of the Shop. Today the Magic Shop no longer exists, or rather it is no longer in this dimension, but it has been and still is the inspiration for many projects and its atmosphere and energy is always available and can be visited every time there is necessity...
NB: .. .we can still find traces of this Magic in some object and artifact that has the characteristics of all those things that seem to have traveled in time inside our STORE
Tearing used jeans from all over the world to recreate a recycled cotton product through the carded wool, process where cotton was normally banned. The idea was to use it with cotton and also colored wool which added to the color of the used and torn jeans
The project was updated later in 1990 with the collaboration between:
-GM for the yarn, using ring and open-end cotton spinning
-Tuskania for fabrics
-IMAR ENGINEERING the young apparel brand.
Starting from a regenerated product with cotton spinning by inserting Nylon or Lycra Monofilament with the corespun system to give the fabric and garments a contemporary performance.
Jeans with ginse is a testimony of the validity of the tradition and Alchemical thought of the Mescolo di Prato applied to a product that is always young and contemporary like Jeans...
NB: Today, many years later, this project is even more significant and topical.
Biodynamic project 2009
Collaboration with MDU Architetti
Den = Shelter
City = Luogo
Density = Dense Tense
An Italian fashion designer and an Italian Architecture Studio one concept that synthetizes CONTEMPORANEITY and HISTORY, to approach Design from interior decor to urban planning to create DENSE spaces inside the contemporary metropolitan CITY. Places featuring a density from an EXISTENTIAL point of view, featuring a density of MATERIAL, density of NATURE, density of THOUGHT, and density of EMOTIONS. Places to forget the Metropolitan CHAOS and transform it into a new possible way of the city life.
Mixed wool / ceramic polyester yarn
The Ceramic Polyester promotes an absorbent function against UVA and UVB rays and a reflective reaction against thermal rays, creating a real shielding effect against the heat of the sun, lowering the internal temperature of the fabric, guaranteeing freshness and comfort during the exposure to the sun.
Wool is a natural insulator that keeps the body temperature constant when it's hot outside and especially when it's cold outside.
From the combination of this two fibers comes a fabric with an incredible ability to keep warm in winter and cool in summer, far superior to the characteristics of the two fibers taken individually.
Biodynamic Project 2012
RI-GENESI is a project born in 2012 inspired by the alchemy of the “Mescolo Pratese” as a recipe for a circular economy and a new lifestyle. The art of recycling in fabric, clothing, our living and working spaces...
Riccardo Rami Studio has experienced all this over the years, he has deepened it, experimented with his personal projects and collected it in the RI-GENESI project.
We are aware that this world must change but this cannot happen through destruction but only through a re-birth just so everything can find a new meaning. The act of alchemical transformation that Prato discovered many years ago in the field of Textiles is a great legacy and a precious opportunity to do more and better with what already exists that we can apply in other fields such as architecture in general. Finding spaces that can create uses, emotions, and feelings is the equivalent of finding a new purpose to a mountain of "rags".
Destruction is a simplistic and wrong decision that can have also a very negative social impact...
Insight Project
It is a predictive model designed to identify goals and/or predict future events, developed and refined by Riccardo Rami Studio over 25 years of experience
(literally "internal vision") is a term of English origin used in psychology, and defines the concept of "intuition", in the immediate and sudden form.
INSIGHT TECHNOLOGY®” is the method which consists in the sudden understanding of the useful strategy to arrive at the solution of a problem or of the solution itself.
Unlike what is considered problem solving in general, where the solution to the problem is reached through an analytical and consequential construction, the insight occurs in a single step and appears suddenly in the solver group's mind.
INSIGHT TECHNOLOGY®” produce the result of a restructuring of the elements of the problem, even in the absence of pre-existing interpretations .
Insight Project
“In harmony with the rhythms of Nature, the Seasons and the Planetary Harmonics”
Bio = Life | Dyn = Force | Insight = the act of learning the inner nature of things and/or perceiving it intuitively.
BIODYNAMIC INSIGHT®is an ongoing research project by Riccardo Rami Studio that refers to Nature and its rhythms, the name we found summarizes our way of thinking, seeing and acting
“Things are connected by invisible bonds. You can't pick a flower without troubling a star.”
~ Galileo Galilei.
Cosmic Rhythms have strong relationships with life on earth and influence the life cycle of man who in his evolution has internalized the aspects of the cosmic order and at the same time has moved away from it, continuing his journey independently from celestial harmony.
Inherent in the human being, there is a love for nature and a sense of connection with the environment that has its roots in our genetic heritage. Our ancestors lived for millions of years maintaining close contact with the nature that surrounded them and respecting its rhythms. Nature is our inner voice, the voice within us that always speaks to us and that makes us understand how important it is to be connected to Her and the Cosmic Rhythms.
Today the time has come for Nature to take back its central role and for us to go along with it.
Biodynamic Project
Since its inception 25 years ago, the studio has always had a very pronounced Green Soul, Plants have always been an important presence as a strong mediator of natural energy...
We will soon complete two new green steps with the construction of a raised vegetable garden and a new large wall of climbing plants. And that is why we are particularly proud as Prato Citizens to be present in the section of "Prato Forest City", where all the organizations that have become Partners are present thanks to the green actions they have undertaken in the city.
For us it is normal for the people who work in the studio to dedicate part of their time to plants and to think about how to care for, protect and evolve this green heritage with continuous small interventions. This allows us to experience the rhythm of nature more and to get closer to it and its vibrations. And it is thanks to them, their suggestions, their wisdom and silent awareness that what we do turns out to be more naturally harmonious.
It may seem impossible but the Plants are a part of us, they are our Green Staff and we are happy because they brighten our days and sometimes we can suffer with them if they are not well.